
Check Grumbie Status

Always check the status of a Grumbie on our Token Lookup page, as OpenSea and marketplace metadata may have not been refreshed and may not be accurate.

On the Token Lookup page you simply type in the Token ID of the Grumbie you would like to check the status of. In the image below you can see we are looking up Token ID #2. At the bottom you can see that the 'Anime Satyr' Headgear is active, but the 'Finned Collar' Outfit has been Eliminated. For this Grumbie, if this Headgear was chosen as the next eliminated trait this Grumbie would be completely eliminated and not eligible to win ETH. Because this Grumbie has 1 trait category eliminated, it is an ideal candidate for an upgrade.

If a Grumbie has been completely eliminated you will see at the bottom of the Lookup box the following indication:

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